Walgreens Misclassified Most Store Managers
Walgreens' total liability may approach $200 million.
Walgreens pays California store managers a salary, but they say they mostly do non-managerial tasks like cashiering, stocking shelves, and pharmacy. That means they are owed overtime, money for missed meal and rest breaks, etc.
We represent more than 100 California Walgreens store managers who wisely opted-out of the Caves class action settlement to seek a better than class action result. Based on detailed data from our clients we know that the average store manager who has worked for Walgreens since 2014 and did mostly hourly work, has a claim for about $200,000.
Walgreens pays California store managers a salary, but they say they mostly do non-managerial tasks like cashiering, stocking shelves, and pharmacy. That means they are owed overtime, money for missed meal and rest breaks, etc.
We represent more than 100 California Walgreens store managers who wisely opted-out of the Caves class action settlement to seek a better than class action result. Based on detailed data from our clients we know that the average store manager who has worked for Walgreens since 2014 and did mostly hourly work, has a claim for about $200,000.
Numerous store managers have already sued.
Here is the "notice of removal" that Walgreens filed in federal court admitting that even based on its "conservative assumptions" each of our original 38 Plaintiffs' claims was potentially worth more than $75,000, and indeed some more than $200,000. Take a look, especially starting at page 13 of 27 (numbered page 12 at the bottom) and following. More detailed data from scores of our clients shows these assupmtions were indeed "conservative", and that among managers with winning claims, the average claim's potential may be about $200,000. (Of course, settlement value will be much less. But this shows the Caves settlement is a bad idea for anyone who spent more than half their time on hourly tasks (unless they didn't work overtime and took their breaks).
This website is sponsored by Ray E. Gallo and Gallo LLP of San Francisco, California.

Ray graduated from Yale in 1987 and earned his law degree from UCLA in 1992. He is a repeat winner of AVVO's clients' choice awards, holds AVVO's perfect 10/10 rating, Martindale Hubbel's "Pre-eminent" "AV" rating, and has been named as one of LawDragon's 100 Leading Legal Consultants and Strategists nationally. Mr. Gallo's AVVO reviews reflect his clients' consistent satisfaction. He crusades for consumers and for clients who can’t afford to pursue their claims unless they organize through a site like this one. He believes everybody deserves access to justice. To read more about his efforts and his successes click the links below.

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